
Study: Depression Worse for Health than Major Physical Ills

The World Health Organization has published a study that demonstrates depression poses a far greater health threat than previously believed, and can be more damaging in itself than asthma, diabetes, or angina.
Previous studies have demonstrate the depression link to poor health, but the true connection between mind and body is probably far more complex and little understood.
Studies have shown that treatment for depression should include talk therapy and community outreach programs, and that long-term positive outcomes usually always include some form of re-adjustment into a social setting.
Mental health treatment around the world is staggeringly inadequate, reports the World Health Organization. Individuals from Third World countries stand the least chance of receiving any kind of treatment. Depression is a major worldwide problem, with the poor receiving the least treatment. Yet, even the United States, only 18 percent received minimally adequate mental health services, lower than Japan, Germany, and France. The rich poor gap is also seen in the general population lifespan statistic. Mental health is correlated with lower lifespans.
