One of the greatest problems facing modern industrialized society is human obesity. Heck even dog and cat obesity is a problem. Basically the modern developed-society lifestyle features a sedentary lifestyle, and unlimited and easy access to food, especially food that is high-fat and sugar content. The health blow is obesity, and the incidental high-blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and many other various physical and mental ailments that accompany it. Obesity rates have skyrocketed in the last 50 years for developed countries. Rising powers like China and India, now that they are adapting to a similar Western lifestyle with imported fast food giants as well, are also experiencing rising obesity among all sectors of the population.
Many experts have warned strongly against the idea of any quick fixes to the problem, pointing to the lifestyle choices that one has to make, like eating healthy and exercising regularly. But despite years of government programs designed to teach proper nutritional guidelines (Food Pyramid), the obesity rates continue to escalate. Some scientist even speculate that obesity is like a virus, and it is spreading uncontrollably. There does exist data that obesity may indeed act like a virus.
Popular diet pills and so-called fat burner supplements are a big industry, but nearly all physicians warn that they are not only ineffective but are dangerous.
However, the last few years research scientists have peered into the processes by which the human body stores and processes fat from the food we eat. Now many scientists are studying way to safely alter the mechanism by which the human body stores fat. Since people living in modern society no longer have the need at all to store fat beyond what is necessary to keep the body going, it would be a major health benefit to decrease the amount of fat that the body stores. In recent years scientists have targeted various avenues for fat reduction:
1) increase the amount of brown fat
2) develop a neuropeptide-Y receptor blocker (Y2R) to prevent fat cells from forming
3) target the Gene that controls fat storage
4) develop a laser or X-ray with a frequency that kills fat cells
Since credible scientists involved in cutting-edge research into fat cells have identified so many numerous ways to get rid of the excess body fat countless people struggle with, I am confident a safe and effective method will be derived soon. While nothing will be more important than a healthy lifestyle, time and energy is better spent on other things than constantly worrying about that pesky 10 pounds of fat. And eating salad is a miserable alternative. One day we can have our cake and eat it too!
Fat Cures: