A highly regarded survey of social data run by the NORC group from the University of Chicago, which has tracked public attitudes for 40 years, has revealed that a record low of Americans have confidence in the federal government and media. Only 11 percent have confidence in the executive branch, and only 5 percent have confidence in Congress. And the media has a record low rating of confidence at 7 percent. This poll reveals a huge split between the public and the government and the mainstream media. This has been going on for decades and the crisis of democracy in the United States seems to be getting worse.
A major reason for this disconnect between the federal government and the general public could be the corrupting influence of big money in government, more specifically the way government and big business seem to operate hand in hand, often in conflict with the interests and desire of the general public. A possible solution to this crisis is to enact reforms that significantly reduce or get rid of corporate lobbying of Congress, institute public-financed election cycles, and make efforts to involve the wider public in American democracy at the local, state, and federal level. Currently a low percentage of total Americans actually end up voting.