
Hunger Group Wants Al Gore To Make Movie About Global Hunger

The campaign, which was launched in fall 2008 in Madrid and will be rolled out in Paris, London, New York City and Montreal in the next few weeks, features both posters and a trailer for the as-yet-nonexistent film. But its main component is the signature drive. Thus far, more than 37,000 people have signed on to “Ask Al Gore,” including several well-known Spanish actors and writers. “Gore is one of the most famous and media-savvy people on the planet,” says Juan Nonzioli, creative director of the Shackleton Group, the advertising firm that designed the campaign for Action Against Hunger. “Just as he has used that power to raise awareness about climate change, we’re asking that he use it for our campaign against hunger.”

Maybe there is not enough money for Al Gore to raise awareness of Global Hunger! Which kills 5 million children every year. Basic supplies and aid could prevent millions of deaths.


Foster Teens "Aging" Out of System Most At Risk

Foster teens who age out of the foster care system by age 18, when they achieve legal emancipation and have to face adulthood head-on, face dire statistics. 25 percent of aged out foster teens become homeless, only 46 percent received their high school diploma, 42 percent end up becoming parents themselves, and fewer than 20 percent are able to support themselves. Aged out foster teens are at high risk for substance abuse, domestic violence, being sent to jail, and poverty.

Foster teens who age out of the system are unprepared for adult life and the responsibilities that come with it. Most are without family support and the government no longer provides assistance. It is highly unlikely these kids end up going to college or receiving a college degree.

This is unacceptable. Foster teens are people who need the most support, and that support should continue in their quest to complete higher education and find rewarding careers. It is a sad state of affairs that foster children, the most vulnerable and needy segment of our society, are left in the cold when it comes to building their own future and life. I believe that foster teens should receive more support during their college years so that more can be able to attend college and pursue their dreams. The foster care system needs to be overhauled to provide better counseling and support services.

Report grim on teens after foster care
Aging Out of Foster Care a Disaster For Children
Challenges Facing Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Transition From Foster Care To Adulthood Studied, UC-Riverside

Stem Cell Breakthorough Potentially Ends Ethical Dilemna

Mount Sinai Hospital's Dr. Andras Nagy discovered a new method of creating stem cells that could lead to possible cures for devastating diseases including spinal cord injury, macular degeneration, diabetes and Parkinson's disease. The study, published by Nature, accelerates stem cell technology and provides a road map for new clinical approaches to regenerative medicine.

"We hope that these stem cells will form the basis for treatment for many diseases and conditions that are currently considered incurable," said Dr. Nagy, Senior Investigator at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital, Investigator at the McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine, and Canada Research Chair in Stem Cells and Regeneration. "This new method of generating stem cells does not require embryos as starting points and could be used to generate cells from many adult tissues such as a patient's own skin cells."
