The United States has spent $500 billion on the War on Drugs the last 35 years, along with an aggresive ad campaign and school awareness programs, and it evidently has been for naught. Drug trafficking has not been stopped, drug trade has not been slowed, and drug use in the United States has not been curbed.
As a grade school student, I remember attending "D.A.R.E" programs. However, programs like these evidently have little to no effect. Basically, $50 billion a year is wasted on the drug trade and prisons are filled up with drug offenders, and it is failed policy.
Surely the solution, as adovated by Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, is to end the War on Drugs and legalize narcotics, enabling communities and families to best handle the situation. This would lower the prices of drugs, curb the drug trade cartels, ease imports, and save a lot of money. Many other countries have put this policy to good use.